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Scientists at Harvard and MIT in the US have discovered that a tiny DNA tweak can cause the body to burn excess fat. Could this mean that a cure for obesity is only an injection away? Joining us in studio to weigh in on the conversation is Human Genetics Professor Raj S Ramesar.
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Weight Loss – What Is Wrong With Being a Little Hungry?
Here is a question for you. What is the problem with being a little hungry? Does it hurt you to wait a bit longer until your next meal? And when you do eat, why should there be an issue with decreasing your portion size as well? Let us back up a bit. Many people do see a problem with being overweight. You will be hard-pressed to find someone who enjoys being overweight or obese, or feels like there is not anything to be concerned about. Being at an excessive weight is not a natural state to us.
Type 2 Diabetes and Weight Loss – Water Can Ease OvereatingNot everyone who overeats is depressed. Large amounts of food can also be eaten when a person is happy or might be looking forward to an upcoming event. Food can be an emotional therapist for some and helps in both times of ups and downs. This can be a hard cycle to break but what is even harder for some is acknowledging they are an overeater: it takes courage to admit this type of behavior is happening. For every person who is an overeater or has a different kind of eating disorder, it is okay to admit to yourself you have a problem. This type of problem must be addressed though as it can be detrimental to health if left.
Stunning Weight Loss Tips That Would Help You Shed Some PoundsMaybe you had put some extra pounds due to any hormonal imbalance, medication side effects or after having children, which is not going the right way with your physique. So you are, possibly, one of the millions of people around the world who are worried being overweight and want to lose extra pounds. It’s totally up to you, how you justify the extra pounds.
H2O and the Power of “Adding” for Weight LossWhen people think “weight loss” they tend to think of what they need to deprive themselves of. But when trying to lose weight, it can be more effective to focus on adding, including water. Drinking more water is scientifically proven to increase metabolism and flush out unwanted body fat.
Postpartum Weight LossHaving a baby is a beautiful thing because not only are you birthing a new human, but you have decided to nurture it through pregnancy and times after. So, yay motherhood! New moms sometimes are stuck in the dilemma of shedding off a few extra pounds.