Your Genes Don’t Make You Fat!

Struggling to drop body fat? Well it’s time to stop blaming other factors, like your genetics, and start taking ownership and responsibility for your results and health!

The myth of genes and excess body fat has been around long enough. It’s time we acknowledge the real problem: your relationship with food.

Your body wasn’t born flawed. It’s not naturally “broken.” All you “inherited” from your family are poor eating habits. Those bad habits are what “broke” your body. The best part about this: it’s actually really easy to fix!

If you’re struggling to drop body fat and you’ve been convinced for years that there’s nothing you could to help, head over to my channel page, and send me an email! As a Holistic Lifestyle Coach, it’s my mission to be the answer to peoples’ fat loss struggles.

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Mike Schappell is not a medical doctor. This video is for information purposes only and should not be used to diagnose or treat any medical issues. If you are currently ill or injured in any way, seek the advice from a fully licensed medical professional. This video is for anyone who is currently healthy and is looking to help optimize their health and movement.

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