Try This 12-week Yoga Challenge and get the YOGA BOOTY
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Tighten and Tone your Entire body with this 15 minute workouts. You don’t need any equipment. Want to get rid of the jiggle or get more defined muscles? This workout helps you tighten up all over.
Workout: Do Each Exercise 45 Seconds Circuit consists of 7 exercises. Complete the Circuit 3 times with 30 second break in between each circuit. 1. Knee to 3 Point kick
2. Curtsey Lunge
3. Plank Punches
4. Ceiling Stomps
5. Triceps Dips
6. Mermaid Kicks-Left Side
7. Mermaid Kicks-Right Side
If you like this video check out My Channel that has Complete workouts, health/diet tips and Body Toning Exercises to help you tone what ever problem area you may have to help you achieve YOUR Best Body.
DISCLAIMER: This is my own personnel workout and may not be suitable for everyone. I advise you check with your doctor before starting any workout program. I am sharing with you some exercises that have been great for me and given me great results. Engaging in this exercise you accept that you do so at your own risk.
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