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Slow Metabolism? 8 Proven Ways to Boost It & Lose Weight | Joanna Soh
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#slowmetabolism #boostyourmetabolism
Why is it so important to boost or increase your metabolism? Simply put it, the higher your metabolic rate is, the more calories you burn, hence the easier it is to lose weight and keep it off!
Someone with a sluggish slower metabolism will gain more fat from eating less food in comparison to a person with a fast, healthy metabolism. So what affects your metabolism? Genetics, age, weight, diet, exercise habits as well as lifestyle.
There are certain areas which we can’t control such as our genes and also age. Saying that however, there are also areas which we can control; our weight, diet, exercise routine and lifestyle. These are the areas we should take control of, and it can speed up our metabolism. Watch this video through as I share with you 8 effective ways to boost your metabolism, burn fat and lose weight.
1) Pump It Up
2) Swap Steady Paced Cardio for HIIT
3) Don’t Starve Yourself
4) Power Up with Protein
5) Sip on Black Coffee
6) Move More
7) Stay Hydrated
8) Get Enough Rest
I’m a certified Personal Trainer (ACE), Women’s Fitness Specialist (NASM) and Nutrition Coach, with over 10 years of experience.
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Slow Metabolism? 8 Proven Ways to Boost It & Lose Weight | Joanna Soh
Dietary Tips to Lose Weight Fast
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