Try This 12-week Yoga Challenge and get the YOGA BOOTY
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Fat Burning Cardio Circuit! Plyometric Circuit – 15 Minutes
Welcome back, guys! Hope you are all well and excited for fat burning, cardio workout today.
This is intense, but it is SO good at getting your heart rate up and this style of cardio is my FAVOURITE!
There are 2 circuits in this workout:
Each circuit has 4 exercises, and you will be performing each exercise back to back for 30 seconds, with a 30-second rest at the end! Sounds intense, but trust me, it will show results.
Give it a go today, go at your own pace and build yourself up slowly if needed. Movement is better than nothing!
Let me know what you think in the comments below,
Love, Holly xx
Instagram: @hollydolke
[email protected]
How to Lose Weight
One’s weight is a balancing act, and calories from fat are part of this equation. Fad diets may assure you that keeping track of carbs or eating a hell of grapefruit can make the pounds fall off. However, when it involves weight reduction, its’ calorie consumption that count. Weight-loss burns down to getting rid of more calorie consumption than you ingest. You can certainly do that by lowering extra calorie consumption from food and drinks, and increasing calories from fat burned through physical exercise and be fit.
7 Useful Weight Loss TipsMaking changes in the lifestyle and diet to help lose extra pounds needn’t be torture. Even making the smallest changes in the diet and increase daily activity can have a very positive impact over the long-term, and leave you thinner and healthier.
How To Prepare Tasty, Healthy Snacks For DietHealthy snacks for diet are an essential part of your weight loss plan. Not that you should skip taking snacks to cut calories if you’re going on a diet. Healthy snacks for diet fuel your body in between your meals so that you wouldn’t be so ravenous come mealtime.
What You Must Include In Your Weight Loss PlanThe inclination towards obesity is increasing at an alarming rate. The result that we are seeing show people are suffering from diabetes and other related diseases. The lifestyle that people are following is not up to the mark at all.
Don’t Suffer Weight And Health Problems In Dietary ConfusionSince the dramatic government interventions of the 1970’s which labelled fat as the enemy we have seen dramatic an alarming blow out in many health problems. Obesity, autoimmune conditions, diabetes to name a few plus the massively increased diagnosis of childhood allergies and ADHD and the huge increase in autism and Asperger’s syndrome.