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It sounds too good to be true, but a novel approach that might allow you to eat as much fatty foods as you want without gaining weight could be a reality in the near future.
When a single gene known as RCAN1 was removed in mice and they were fed a high fat diet, they failed to gain weight, even after gorging on high fat foods for prolonged periods.
The international team behind the study are hopeful a similar approach that inhibits this gene will also be effective with humans to combat obesity and serious diseases like diabetes.
Led by Professor Damien Keating at Flinders University, the study used a huge genetic screen in rodents to identify novel genetic candidates that may cause obesity, potentially paving the way for new drug therapies.
“We know a lot of people struggle to lose weight or even control their weight for a number of different reasons. The findings in this study could mean developing a pill which would target the function of RCAN1 and may result in weight loss,” Professor Keating says.
Overweight? You’re Not Making Enough Money
Research shows that not making enough money is associated with being overweight, mainly because there is a significant correlation between an individual’s physical wellness and that person’s mental clarity. Subsequently, there is a link between mental clarity and life satisfaction in regards to income and other primary and tertiary needs as highlighted in Maslow’s theory on the hierarchy of needs. Here are the reasons why not making enough money may warrant you being overweight: Lack of time An individual who does not make enough money is bound to drown…
Role of Yoga in Health and FitnessDue to the modernization of lifestyle, we have lost the harmony of life due to which, we have got several diseases such as hypertension, obesity, coronary heart diseases, etc. To prevent the diseases we need to adopt the better lifestyle, which include a balanced diet with proper physical activity.
Understanding Your BMI – Body Mass IndexBMI stands for Body Mass Index. Its a calculation that takes into account your weight and height. The Body Mass Index is used as a screening tool or an indicator that measures body fatness.Its important to know your BMI and what category you fall in such as underweight, normal weight, overweight or obese.
What Happens When You Do Not Work Out After A Bariatric Surgery?Bariatric surgery is no quick fix. It is a commitment towards a healthier life that pays off if you play by the rules. However, even if you choose to get either gastric bypass or gastric sleeve bariatric surgery from an excellent surgeon, there are a few precautions and steps that you will have to take to ensure that you get the desired results.
Why You Should Ditch the Scale and Love Your BodyThis is a motivating article on Why You Should Ditch the Scale and Love Your Body, so many of us are obsessed with a simple number and this blog explains why it’s not important. We need to pay attention to how we feel more than anything else.