Weird “juice ritual” removes 62lbs in weeks
Try This 12-week Yoga Challenge and get the YOGA BOOTY
URGENT: 75 Volunteers needed to help PROVE this system really WORKS

Try This 12-week Yoga Challenge and get the YOGA BOOTY
URGENT: 75 Volunteers needed to help PROVE this system really WORKS

In this Brazilian Butt Lift Challenge. I will take you through some of the most effective workouts to lift and round the Butt! This is a 10 day Challenge. So do it for 10 days straight and leave a comment in the comment section below how your butt is looking.
Workout Routine.
1. Reverse Hypers: 3 Sets of 12
2. Rainbows 3 sets of 12 (each leg)
3. Kneeling Sit backs-: 3 Sets of 12
4. Elevated Glute Bridge- 3 Sets of 12
5. Floor Kickbacks- 3 Sets of 12 (each leg)
DISCLAIMER: This is my own personnel workout and may not be suitable for everyone. I advise you check with your doctor before starting any workout program. I am sharing with you some exercises that have been great for me and given me great results. Engaging in this exercise you accept that you do so at your own risk. Please note that all of my videos are titled according to SEO best practices for best video searchability.
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