Try This 12-week Yoga Challenge and get the YOGA BOOTY
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Brad Kearns, New York Times bestselling author, Guinness World Record Speedgolfer, and #1 USA Masters age 55-59 high jumper, presents some quick and easy to immediately implement healthy lifestyle tips. This is a great show to share with a friend or loved one to get going on a healthier path without getting too complex or daunting with the suggestions.
The show covers basic assignments in four different lifestyle areas as follows:
Diet: Ditch the “Big Three” as your #1 health and disease prevention objective: Refined sugars, grains and industrial seed oils. Establish a zero tolerance policy with extreme devotion for at least 21 days to give your body a chance to escape carb dependency and get good at burning stored body fat.
Exercise/Movement: Increase all forms of general everyday movement (walking, Morning Movement Routine, yoga/pilates/tai chi, foam rolling, movement breaks from workdesk); conduct formal cardiovascular workouts at MAF heart rate or below; perform regular brief, intense strength training sessions with body under resistance load (bodyweight, free weights, cords/straps); perform occasional all-out sprints–short duration, long recovery interval, consistent high quality.
Sleep/Recovery: Minimize artificial light and digital stimulation after dark, power down from technology with extreme discipline, schedule in solo, reflective time
Stress Management: Discover stress reducing behaviors/activities and prioritize them in daily life: Breathing/meditation, temperature therapy, gratitude practice, cultivating positive attitude/mindset.
Enjoy this focused message and perhaps review the video (or the audio version of this on the Get Over Yourself podcast) every few months to keep focused and motivated to cover the basics of healthy living every day!
13 Tips To Help You Lose Weight In The New Year
Wading through weight loss information can seem to be a confusing task. There are so many ideas, plans, and programs. It can be easy to end up so overwhelmed that you lose sight of what you started out to do. In this article we will reveal some sound tips to get you going again.
What Are the Procedures for Metabolic Surgery?A consequence of the growing sedentary lifestyle, poor nutritional habits and a lack of exercise which has come to characterize 21st- century man is increasing weight gain, overweight and obesity. This stems from a disproportion in the balance of our energy intake and expenditure with the excess calories being stored as body fat. This leads to derangement in the body’s metabolic balance with increased predisposition to hypertension, high levels of lipid in blood circulation especially triglycerides (dyslipidemia) and high blood sugar.
Type 2 Diabetes and Weight Loss – Be a Little Healthier Today Than You Were YesterdayIf there were such a thing as a secret to success, what do you think it would be? Maybe luck is involved or making the most of opportunities. Perhaps it is ambition, or being so persistent each shortcoming gets you closer to your goal. When it comes to health, there could be many variables. If we should focus on one, however, it should mean making progress in small steps. Little by little you can get closer to achieving your objectives.
Simple Tips to Start the Weight Loss JourneyTrying to lose weight? This article discusses some easy first steps to take on your journey to a better you!
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