Stop trying to lose fat and gain muscle at the same time!!!

I meet so many trainees that make this mistake. Once you are no longer a beginner, YOU CANNOT BUILD MUSCLE AND LOSE FAT AT THE SAME TIME.

You can lose fat and maintain muscle.

Or you can gain muscle, and probably gain a bit of fat too.

Once you have exhausted your beginners gains, you cannot do both at the same time.

Talk to me about online coaching options if you are STUCK trying to do both at the same time

Is this a familiar scenario…?

You’re a bit overweight and unfit. You start doing some rando, generic exercise programme like Beachbody and start eating vaguely more healthily.

You get some results, you lose a bit of weight and your arms look a bit more defined.

You’re super happy and you think “just X more months of this and I’ll get to X”

But then you get STUCK. You stop getting the results that you got initially.

You can’t understand why, you’re doing the EXACT SAME THING.

Welcome to the wonderful world of Beginnerz Gainz Fallacy.

I’m going to tell you a dirty little secret: the diet and exercise programme you need to get rid of the first few pounds is DIFFERENT to the one you’ll need later down the track.

If this describes you, you’ll need to tighten things up in order to continue losing weight.

Once you’ve exhausted the beginners gains, you simply aren’t going to stumble into a calorie deficit, necessary to lose fat, without knowing how much you actually need to eat.

And you aren’t going to accidentally provide your muscles with sufficient training stimulus in order to create muscle growth.

And no, those ‘HIIT’ workouts are NOT doing that.

You also probably aren’t balancing rest and recovery properly.

Dont feel bad, this shit is HARD. People like me study a LOT to find out how to do it

And there is a LOT of crap on the internet leading you astray.

At some point or another you are going to need to focus on either muscle GAIN or maintenance for periods of time. You can’t just smash away in a deficit endlessly.

This process never stops, and there often comes a point when the effort needed to continue outweighs the benefits.

Most of you will have outgrown programmes like Beachbody, (well done! You’re now ready for something more advanced and serious!!) and you’ll need something more specific to continue getting results that you want: increased strength, muscle growth OR fatloss

You’ll need to follow a training plan and/or really get specific with your calories (usually both). It won’t just happen by accident or with a mediocre training programme anymore

Happily, I’ll be talking about this more and offer coaching to do just that!

Type 2 Diabetes and Weight Loss – How To Slash Your Calories At Breakfast

If you are looking to lose weight, reducing your calorie intake is going to be an obvious must. Nothing is going to be more important than you are taking in fewer calories than you use because that is what virtually ensures weight loss takes place. Cutting back on foods high in sugar and processed fats will go a long way toward trimming excess calories from your diet. Breakfast is a great place to start. There are definitely steps you can take at breakfast to make your calorie intake lower, allowing you to get away with less so you can slim down faster.

Effective Ways To Lose Weight With Fat Burning Foods

To be effective at losing weight you can begin by making small alterations to your lifestyle and not put so much emphasis on the body needing to lose weight fast. To lose weight, you have to minimize your intake of calories and increase your physical activity, and learn more about fat burning foods and drinks. To be effective at losing weight, you might require to alter exactly what you eat and eating more fat burning foods which include some fruits and with health as a concern.

20 Scientifically Approved Ways to Lose Weight Naturally

We can use several ways that can help you lose weight. However, natural weight loss is considered the best option due to its cost effectiveness, safety and nearly no side effects. We can lose our weight using natural ways.

A Powerful Tool For Weight Loss & Diabetes: Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent fasting is a powerful tool for weight loss and type 2 diabetes. The problem with the overweight and obese as well as the diabetics is that their bodies have too much stored sugar and fat. Intermittent fasting can help reverse this without the drawbacks of constant caloric-resticted diets.

Low Carb Food You Can Include in Your Diet

Thanks to all the fitness and yoga campaigns, health has become a priority for people as it should have been long ago. Many people are taking small but sure steps towards the fitness zone, and many are already on the road to a healthy heart. Food plays an important role in maintaining your health. People now prefer food with low carbs and fat to escape the few extra Kgs. Let’s take a look at what you can eat if you want both taste and health. All these foods are low in carbs and you will not put on weight by eating these.

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