Effective Diastasis Recti Exercises for Postpartum Moms: Say Goodbye to Belly Pooch with These Workouts! #postpartum #workout #crunches

Say Hello to a Stronger Core: Effective Diastasis Recti Exercises for Postpartum Moms


Hey there, fellow postpartum mamas! Let’s talk about diastasis recti – that pesky condition where your abdominal muscles separate during pregnancy and leave you with a stubborn “belly pooch.” It’s a common issue among us, but fear not, because with the right exercises, we can say goodbye to that pooch and hello to a stronger core!

My Journey with Diastasis Recti: I Was Feeling Down, but Now I’m Up

When I first discovered I had diastasis recti, I’ll admit, I was feeling a bit low. My body didn’t feel like mine anymore, and I longed to regain my pre-baby strength and confidence. But guess what? With dedication and the right exercises, I can proudly say that I’m on my way to getting back to my best self!

Embracing the Change: This Is Not the Person I Used to Be

Embracing the changes our bodies go through postpartum is essential. I realized that this is not the person I used to be, and that’s okay! My body is incredible for creating life, and now it’s time to show it some love with effective diastasis recti exercises.

Let’s Get Moving: Diastasis Recti Exercises That Work

Ready to kick that belly pooch to the curb? Here are some effective exercises to help you on your journey to a stronger core:

  1. Pelvic Tilt

    • Lie on your back with knees bent
    • Engage your core and tilt your pelvis towards your ribcage
    • Hold for a few seconds, then release
  2. Modified Plank

    • Start on all fours with wrists under shoulders
    • Extend your legs back, keeping your body in a straight line
    • Engage your core and hold for 30 seconds
  3. Heel Slides

    • Lie on your back with knees bent
    • Slowly slide one heel out, keeping your core engaged
    • Return to starting position and switch sides
  4. Belly Breathing

    • Lie on your back with knees bent and hands on belly
    • Inhale deeply through your nose, expanding your belly
    • Exhale through your mouth, drawing your belly button towards your spine
  5. Standing Side Crunches

    • Stand with feet hip-width apart and hands behind your head
    • Crunch to one side, bringing your elbow towards your hip
    • Repeat on the other side

So, ladies, let’s show diastasis recti who’s boss! With consistency and these effective exercises, we can say goodbye to that belly pooch and hello to a stronger, more confident version of ourselves. Let’s do this! 🌟

postpartum #workout #crunches