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Hey guys, welcome to this follow along 15 Min DUMBBELL ABS WORKOUT at Home ❤
This 15 min ABS WORKOUT is perfect for those who want to tone their ab muscles. Abs are like any other muscle, if you want it to grow, you need to progress in your ab workouts. By adding dumbbells to the exercises, we are increasing the tension on the muscle. This will help your abs to grow to get that strong and toned ab muscles.
Give this workout a try and let me know how you felt!
The structure for this workout:
– 7 exercises (45s ON, 15s OFF)
– x2 SETS
– 45s rest between sets
Remember this is your workout, we are all different and it’s important for you to have fun while working out. We want to make this a lifestyle and the only way to succeed is to enjoy what you are doing. If you need to stop and take a longer break, just pause the video. This is a no judgement zone ok!
If you enjoy this workout, I would love for you to join the family. Please subscribe to my channel to see all my new videos posted!
Enjoy your workout! Till next time…see ya!❤
💎For FAT LOSS workouts:
💎For more ABS workouts:
Three Superfoods for Slow Carb Diet Success
On the slow-moving carb diet program, it is possible to enjoy wonderful selection of preference and presentation making use of a fairly reduced number of components if chosen. Of training course there are several other aspects you can include in the mix, but learning more about exactly how to prepare these ‘slow carb superfoods’ is an excellent start to healthy and also rapid weight loss.
Slow Carb Diet Basics – All You Need To Get StartedThe Slow Carbohydrate Diet, as presented by Tim Ferriss in 2010’s 4 Hour Body, has brought the world a straight-forward, healthy and sustainable consuming program that is obtaining great outcomes for thousands of devoted adherents. Below, basically, are the basic concepts underlying the diet regimen.
Supplementation for Cyclical Ketogenic DietingKeto diet programs is extremely reliable for assisting people to shed body fat. Nevertheless, if you are making use of CKD – or the Cyclical Ketogenic Diet – after that you are going to wish to include some simple supplements in order to preserve your muscle mass, help with the fat loss process, as well as preserve your health during this stressful period.
Weight Watchers Recipes – More Delicious When Losing Weight!Because the WW program counts greatly on its distinct factor system, lots of fans of the program usage Weight Watchers dishes to make sure that they know the exact factors of the meals and food they consume. Thankfully, the company supplies its clients with a variety of recipes.
Weight Watchers Recipes With PointsWeight Watchers is a weight reduction program that counts on a point system for its dishes as well as foods, instead than enforcing a particular caloric constraint or various other dietary constraints, to help its followers achieve fat burning. When you follow the Weight Watchers program, you are enabled to consume a particular number of “factors” each day.