Welcome to the ultimate 10-Day ABS Challenge! Are you looking to shed belly fat and tone your core without any expensive equipment or a gym membership? Look no further! In just 10 minutes a day, for 10 days, you can transform your abs with these 10 effective and equipment-free exercises that you can easily do at home. Get ready to strengthen and define your abdominal muscles, and achieve the abs you’ve always wanted. Let’s get started!
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Are you tired of trying endless forms of diets, cardio, and exercising, but still failing to get the flat and toned stomach that you have been working hard for? You’re not alone! People have tried all sorts of methods, but they haven’t been seeing the results they expected. Don’t worry; there’s still hope! The perfect solution for you could be the “10-Day ABS Challenge: Shed Belly Fat with 10 Equipment-Free Exercises in Just 10 Minutes at Home.” Here are the ten most effective exercises that you can do anywhere and anytime, without any equipment.
The 10-Day ABS Challenge
1. Crunches
Let’s begin with the classic one, yet the most effective of them all: crunches. For this exercise, lie down on the floor with your knees bent, keeping your back straight. Place your hands behind your head, and lift your shoulders off the floor. Perform 25 repetitions for each set, and do three sets with ten-second breaks in between each set.
2. Plank
The plank is another popular exercise for the core, and you don’t need any equipment besides a mat or a carpet to do it. To perform this exercise, lie on your stomach, and lift your body up onto your elbows and toes. Keep your body in a straight line, and hold for 30 seconds. Perform three repetitions and do ten-second breaks in between each set.
3. Russian Twists
Russian twists target the obliques, the muscles situated on the side of the stomach. For this exercise, sit on the floor with your knees bent, and lean backward. Keep your back straight, and twist your torso from side to side, tapping the floor with your fingers. Perform 30 repetitions for each set, and do three sets with ten-second breaks in between each set.
4. Leg Raises
Leg raises target the lower abs. Lie down on the floor with your legs stretched, and your hands under your butt. Lift your legs up and down, keeping them straight, and perform 25 repetitions for each set. Perform three sets with ten-second breaks in between each set.
5. Bicycle Crunches
Bicycle crunches target the rectus abdominis and the obliques. Lie down on the floor and bring your knees toward your chest. Lift your head off the floor and touch your elbow to the opposite knee, twisting your torso. Perform 30 repetitions for each set and do three sets with ten-second breaks in between each set.
6. Side Planks
Side planks target the obliques and the transverse abdominis. Lie on your side, and lift your body up onto your elbow and foot. Hold for 30 seconds, and perform three repetitions for each side with ten-second breaks in between each set.
7. Mountain Climbers
Mountain climbers target the core and are great for burning calories. Get into a plank position and bring your knees to your chest one by one, alternating. Perform 30 repetitions for each set. Perform three sets with ten-second breaks in between each set.
8. Flutter Kicks
Flutter kicks target the lower abs and the hip flexors. Lie down on the floor with your legs extended, and hands under your butt. Lift your feet six inches from the ground and kick them up and down. Keep your legs straight and perform 50 repetitions for each set. Perform three sets with a ten-second break in between each set.
9. Scissor Kicks
Scissor kicks target the lower abs and the inner thighs. Lie down on the floor, and bring your legs up straight. Cross one leg over the other, then back. Alternate between sides, keeping your legs straight. Perform 50 repetitions for each set. Perform three sets with ten-second breaks in between each set.
10. V-Ups
V-ups target the rectus abdominis and the hip flexors. Lie down on the floor with legs straight. Bring your arms and legs off the ground, reaching forward to touch your toes. Perform 15 repetitions for each set. Perform three sets with ten-second breaks in between each set.
Additional Benefits
Apart from shredding your belly fat, doing these exercises regularly has several health benefits too. These include improved posture, better balance, and stronger back muscles. Plus, doing a workout routine gives a boost of confidence and satisfaction that you cannot put a price on.
The 10-Day ABS Challenge is a perfect way to get in shape for the summer! You don’t have to spend loads of money for gym memberships or fancy equipment. All you need is a mat and motivation to get started. Remember to take progress pictures and post them on Instagram using hashtags #getfitbyivana and #bootyboostprogram. Don’t forget to follow Ivana on Instagram and Twitter for more fitness motivation. And, if you’re interested in purchasing 2022 Booty Boost Bundle, you can get an 80% discount on the 2023 program when it’s released from the end of May to mid-June 2023. There is also a voice-over version available to perform the workout without looking at the screen. There is also a non-music version with only beeps available for those who want to listen to their music. For business inquiries, email [email protected]. So let’s get started!